A quickie just for you

OPINION: Why it’s okay to feel worried about the future
As a young person questions over what it is you want to do with your life can feel completely overwhelming. Did I also mention that we are currently in a cost-of-living crisis? Psych-she's Louise gets it and wants to make sure you don't feel alone. When is Gen Z going...
Still got stamina?
It’s murder on the dance floor (literally)
I don’t own a party dress. It’s past my bedtime. The floor is sticky. Everyone is drunk. My friend lost her phone. Someone is being sick. I can’t hear myself think. I want to go home. DJ, I think I killed the groove. “Hey, do you want to go to a club on Friday night?”...
Are you an imposter?
I love being a woman. Regrettably, it does come with some downfalls, one being the way we are treated in the workplace. Psych-she investigates the link between feeling like an imposter and the barriers we have to face. Of course, with expert opinion guiding you all the way to hopefully squash the self doubt.
Bin it? Box it? Burn it? Return it? Should you ditch your exes stuff?
How items left behind from exes after a break up can lead to rumination, resilience, self-discovery and a renewed sense of identity through identity reconstruction. For the first time since my girlfriend and I had broken up, I had a girl coming over. I instantly...
Why am I not like my mum yet?
“Oh, you’re just like your mum at that age wanting to get out into the world and live by your own rules.” But I just can’t understand it, because I don’t see the similarities in us. My mum judges new characters spot on, she gets up before 9 and does the washing,...