A quickie just for you
Why do I base my romantic relationships on astrology?
After having her heart broken by a Gemini man, Emily Hawtin started to base her interactions with men of what zodiac sign they belonged too. She turned down any air signs, laughed in the faces of fire signs, and even decided to be in a relationship with her current...
Still got stamina?
Finding my place as a brown girl in a white world
Here, Tara Nagra investigates the realities of growing up as a brown girl in a western world and details her journey to accepting her place in society. With South Asian girls under 30 years old making up less than 1% of the UK population, it is common for many of...
My boyfriend is gay: Should I support the man that broke my heart?
Rarely do you feel empathy for the person that just broke up with you, but how can you respond to someone who both shattered your heart, and came out as gay. At 17, I had the experience of going through my first breakup. It was my first broken heart, from the first...
It’s murder on the dance floor (literally)
I don’t own a party dress. It’s past my bedtime. The floor is sticky. Everyone is drunk. My friend lost her phone. Someone is being sick. I can’t hear myself think. I want to go home. DJ, I think I killed the groove. “Hey, do you want to go to a club on Friday night?”...
Are you an imposter?
I love being a woman. Regrettably, it does come with some downfalls, one being the way we are treated in the workplace. Psych-she investigates the link between feeling like an imposter and the barriers we have to face. Of course, with expert opinion guiding you all the way to hopefully squash the self doubt.