A quickie just for you

Are we really a good judge of character?
We all pride ourselves on being able to sense when somebody is a bad egg and some of us are seriously good at it, but others wouldn’t know to run away even if one was chasing them with a pitch-fork. But seriously, what personality traits are possessed by a good judge...
Still got stamina?
Why am I not like my mum yet?
“Oh, you’re just like your mum at that age wanting to get out into the world and live by your own rules.” But I just can’t understand it, because I don’t see the similarities in us. My mum judges new characters spot on, she gets up before 9 and does the washing,...
Do we have a Stone-Age brain?: The long-rooted history of anxiety
Why do we experience extreme anxiety? Psych-she explore our Stone-Age past to find out the history of this emotion and see how it impacts us in a modern world. Have you ever wondered what the point of anxiety is? I definitely have. I don’t even want to think...
The shallow end of Social Media
Has dating apps made us superficial? And, is Instagram making us prioritise external image. Is social media making us the most judgmental generation yet? Relationship educator, Kelley Nele, also answers some of the questions of why digital media prioritise image and...
Reality check! Not everyone is going to like you
A cold glare from that one person confirms your suspicions that they dislike you. After racking your brain trying to work out what you have done to make them feel this way, you come to an unpleasant realisation, that maybe the just don't like you. Psych-she have...