A quickie just for you
OPINION: There’s only one type of compliment I love…here’s why
Sometimes compliments are just a nicety. Other times compliments can turn your bad day into a good day with one simple sentence. I hate going to the hairdressers. The endless small talk. Plus, the fact you're forced to watch someone cut away at your hair not knowing...
Still got stamina?
OPINION: Admitting to masturbating-I love my vibrator
You’re blushing just thinking about masturbating, I just know it. Maybe you’ve even waited to get off the train to read it, or you've got a long journey ahead of you and you can’t quite wait, so you've turned the brightness right down and look as if you’re navel...
“That was fun, we should do that again sometime?”
“That was fun, we should do that again sometime?” you hear the stranger you just spent that one night stand with say, as they hurriedly put on their shoes and edge closer towards the door. With no snapchat, phone number or any essence of who they are except for a...
The meaning reoccurring dreams
Dreams can be baffling at the best of times, let alone when you’re having the same exact one over and over again. Theresa Cheung, dreams expert, explains the possible meaning of reoccurring dreams, as I delve into my own and a handful of other women’s bizarre...
We all love to gossip- there, I said it…
From butt-dialling your boss to drunk debriefing with a glass of wine, we know it gets us in trouble but we simply can’t stop doing it. Psych-She delves into the reasons why gossip scratches an itch in our brain, and why we might not need to feel that guilty about...