A quickie just for you
Losing yourself in the land of love
Who doesn’t want to fall in love? The idea that this is your life’s purpose has been forced at us from every direction. Social media, films and endless dating apps, suggest that we should constantly be searching for the one, and even if we’ve found them, they should...
Still got stamina?
Reality check! Not everyone is going to like you
A cold glare from that one person confirms your suspicions that they dislike you. After racking your brain trying to work out what you have done to make them feel this way, you come to an unpleasant realisation, that maybe the just don't like you. Psych-she have...
The only child diaries: Lonely, liberating, or full of life lessons?
Whilst psychologists have spent decades myth-busting the fallacy that an only child is ‘selfish’, ‘bossy’ and ‘possessive’, is it normal to question whether we would think and feel things differently if we weren’t the only one? When I was growing up, telling people I...
OPINION: Admitting to masturbating-I love my vibrator
You’re blushing just thinking about masturbating, I just know it. Maybe you’ve even waited to get off the train to read it, or you've got a long journey ahead of you and you can’t quite wait, so you've turned the brightness right down and look as if you’re navel...
“That was fun, we should do that again sometime?”
“That was fun, we should do that again sometime?” you hear the stranger you just spent that one night stand with say, as they hurriedly put on their shoes and edge closer towards the door. With no snapchat, phone number or any essence of who they are except for a...